just a scam keep watching okay welcome
to another episode of ask RJ that's
right this is the Q&A feature of my
channel where you get your questions
answered now I used to do these on a
regular basis
I have slowed down so much a lot more
now and basically I just sort of answer
questions which I find really
interesting and I hope you guys find
interesting all questions that I get
asked a lot about anyway I was
approached by Joshua Mohan he put a
question on my channel and basically
said hey man I've been hearing a lot
about this supposed crypto called black
Bitcoin black sorry
lately while their white paper looks a
their team profile looks iffy just
wondering what your thoughts are on this
well Joshua thank you very much for the
question and I am actually very
interested in this on for two reasons
one um I quickly looked into it I didn't
know a whole lot about it and basically
on the surface looks great it's sort of
almost you just think okay this is this
answers all the questions the bitcoin
poses sort of the questions about
scalability how fast transactions are
all that kind of stuff and so you just
you think yeah this is it this is this
could be the coin that we could all end
up using in the future but on the other
hand it could just be a very clever ruse
or a scam so really what I'm doing is
I'm looking into this because I want to
make sure that if any of you out there
may have come across it do you don't end
up getting into or investing into
something that you're gonna end up
losing your money
okay so as always as well remember if
this is your first time visiting my
channel and you want to learn more about
how to encrypt au currency for free
about cloud mining sites crypto
investments and lots of other crypto
related stuff hit that subscribe button
and don't forget to tag that take a
notification bell for all my latest
content as it comes online okay so
obviously when it really came into came
down to sort of trying to get any
information on this the first place I
went to obviously is Google did a quick
search and and to be honest with you
it's really really difficult to find any
information on this which is a massive
flag for me it's a massive red flag
because in fact what I'm going to do
because there's probably a lot of you
that don't know what Bitcoin Black is
watch the top right hand corner of your
and that will basically they're going to
lay down what their ideas for this coin
Bitcoin black compared to Bitcoin
Bitcoin black is free of transfer
Bitcoin can cost over $10 to transfer
Bitcoin black transfers instantly
Bitcoin can take more than an hour on
average transfer Bitcoin black is
scalable for worldwide views Bitcoin has
major scalability issues Bitcoin black
has a fair distribution ninety to ninety
nine percent of all Bitcoin is owned by
1% of the leaders Bitcoin black is
energy efficient
bitcoin is energy hungry uses over ten
thousand times more energy than Bitcoin
black Bitcoin black is run by the
community for the community
bitcoin is run by a corporation or a
corporation since August 2017 Bitcoin
blacks birth rate is better than all ten
of the top ten cryptocurrencies bitcoins
growth has halted which will you use
which will prevail
be a part of the biggest wealth transfer
in human history join the community map
Bitcoin works
okay sir as you can see there their
ideas for this coin are massive this is
something that literally would affect
the entire world and of and what their
goal is is for Bitcoin black to end up
being the coin that we end up using in
the future and Bitcoin basically
becoming obsolete because of its it's
issues which unfortunately with Bitcoin
you know those those problems are just
hardwired into into the coin itself with
how it was designed and stuff like that
and that's why everybody has been
looking for alternatives such as the
Lightning Network all those things to
make Bitcoin transactions faster but
because of that because of Bitcoin
blacks ideas and you know basically what
this would mean to the world if he if he
came into fruition you think there would
be a lot more information out there you
think people would be talking about this
all the time but they are not if you go
on line and type in Bitcoin black the
only thing you can find or obviously all
the links to the website that are
connected with the website and then
pretty much after that all it is is
loads and loads of people advertising it
so basically affiliates that are
connected with Bitcoin black because
that's how the way they've done it
because apparently they created an ICO
which for those of that you don't know
is what's known as an initial coin
offering what they do with that is
basically they say right we have got 36
I don't know billion or our however you
know however many coins they've decided
that they're gonna set they're gonna put
into circulation and then what they'll
do is they'll allow you to buy
eat those you know sort of those coins
or tokens and to be part of the whole
you know be part of the network or be
part of the visitor the business
essentially it's all like buying shares
but you're buying tokens and then and so
so what they'll do and then what they do
with all the money from that they then
go on to make that idea into a reality
the infant the the but like I say
there's just nothing out there
there's just no information at all
because in them like I say behind the
scenes they've done what they've done or
not behind the scenes but they've
basically told everybody that they're
going to do this massive airdrop so I
think it's for X amount of people that
obviously become affiliates if you get
enough people or enough members join
your affiliate group you'll get like
three thousand six hundred coins into
your wallet and then for the top ten
people that have promoted this will then
get even you know like get a matys you
know works out to be some like the
equivalent of about 1.8 million dollars
or some crazy like that which is
obviously caused a massive sort of thaw
out there you know and you've got all
these people that are jumping on that
and and promoting it and all this I you
know waiting for this air to up to
happen because and they've also
obviously given a free air drop as well
that you get what was it I can't
remember that I can't remember the the
number will pop up somewhere because I
know because I've got to show you some
obviously some of the stuff and the
information will be there but yet so so
lucky say that they've done that they're
doing this official ico offering but
then behind the scenes they're doing
this sort of cheap and nasty affiliate
program and basically enticing all these
people to become affiliates and then get
people to sign up to them
and then you know like I say the top few
people will get these free coins II
thousands upon thousands of free coins
but then the only the people that are
lower down the only way they earn coins
is if they're members to people they've
got to sign up by coins so like I say it
then starts up just looking like a like
a an affiliate marketing program as
opposed to this massive sort of you know
global phenomenon which is what they're
you know the video and really what
they're they're pushing but like I say
beneath all that it's just like this
affiliate program okay so we've got the
website as you can see there you've got
various different things on here
information about that roadmap so
they're basically what that is he's
telling you what they want to do going
forward bounties this is job in a job
vacancies the weird thing with that is
that they have a few job vacancies on
there for people to get involved in the
business but they're only paying them in
Bitcoin black which at the moment is
well you can't use it so and then they
talk about the dieأ¶ and the presale
which is the ICO and but we obviously
you know that's what they want us to see
so let's go and check out this is the
other stuff that I found on Google so
this is a post about Bitcoin black but
look how old it is this is from March
2019 so this is over a year old and
basically so this is an excerpt from the
white paper which basically talks about
how Bitcoin bitcoin takes power from
people discouraging people to really get
involved in cryptocurrency and stuff
like this because of the way it's set up
but yet then like this gentleman talks
basis but then when when they're looking
to raise money for their ICO they
actually want it in Bitcoin
so and that's where the sales paid would
be where you could go and buy coins
which are basically sold out now so and
then the other thing is is that this is
what I was talking about so if we click
on here this is a guy and this is all
he's put on about Bitcoin black and this
is to do with the referral program that
is it he's not putting any other
information on there
it's just referral post after referral
post after referral post so like I mean
that just you know for me for something
that is meant to be so big and so an
unofficial as this coin offering for it
to just be inundated or be for me be
swamped with people selling the idea in
the in literally in the sense of a
referral program is just bizarre and
like I say it is just a real big red
flag so and then this guy he's basically
saying that so the Twitter account last
posted was October 2018 so yeah so
October the 18th 2018 so that's a year
before this pretty much so I mean the I
this concept of Bitcoin black has been
around according to this for over two
years and the guys whose feed we just
looked at this is him
and again it's he's just talking about
the the amount of coins you're gonna
earn for doing this and stuff like that
and so again it's just not something
that you would really associate I don't
believe I mean like I say I could be
completely wrong I'm just going on what
I'm seeing there might be many people
out there watching this video to know
more about this and I do and if that is
the case put it in the post sticker post
below this video let me know I'm really
interested because because like I say
I'm I do
don't want people getting involved in
this if this is a scam
which for me is looking more more like a
scam so the only other pretty much one
of the other posts I found on Google was
this so again it's just talking about
this air drop and you know and basically
so the air drop you receive three
thousand six hundred blah blah blah blah
the top ten people with the most he says
most friends with the most referrals
will receive that's a hundred and eighty
million BCB I mean that just those
numbers I just think are insane I mean
even Bitcoin when it was worth nothing
and basically you could get bit full
bitcoins for free I don't think one
person ever ended up with a hundred well
idly 180 million is more than the entire
amount of bitcoins that will be put into
circulation when it's when it's they're
all out there because the total amount
of Bitcoin is 121 million so they're
saying one hundred and eighty million
and that's just four and that's for the
top ten people so each you know they
will receive one hundred and eighty
million each I don't know if they're
just I don't know if that's just a
someone's wrote the wrong number there
or what but that just seems absolutely
crazy and apparently the whole idea was
began by a group who wishes to remain
anonymous which is not that big a deal
remain anonymous I mean cryptocurrency
is all about anonymity and keeping that
anonymity so you know that is not a flag
to me at all but like I say these these
numbers I just think they're so massive
the idea was to just create such a buzz
about this that just to get people
involved um which is it is very clever
it's like you know it's like bees to a
honeypot you know that they did they
wanting people to get him you know
really into you know the hype in all
this and really start believing
telling all their friends and saying
yeah you got to get in on this and you
got to get in on this this is gonna be
the next Bitcoin you know but yet it's
it's better it's it's more scalable he's
got faster transactions it's this it's
that it's gonna change the world this is
what we're going to be spending in the
future blah blah blah blah blah kind of
thing and that is exactly it's AIT's
overkill but you know with the idea of
creating that buzz and like I say you
know the point of these affiliates is to
get people in to purchase Queens which
like I mean I could be completely way
off base I'm just seeing this and I just
think it just it just does not smell
right it just does not smell or feel
right and the only other thing I looked
upon just as a thing I'm not a big fan
of scam advisor because I think the way
they rate the websites is a bit bizarre
but I thought I'd have a quick look and
they're giving it a 1 percent trust
score because of several negative
facebook comments found
okay so Facebook they've talked we've
seen a post about Twitter they do have a
blog as well I mean if I this is their
blog so you think and again I mean this
is another thing they've got a store
selling t-shirts hats and mugs and
what's really weird is if you go into
certain aspects of their website they
don't work but yet the the page - or the
store to buy or emote the merchandise
one that seems to work perfectly fine
which so again any it just seems it in
certain things where they're gonna be
gaining money from whether it would be
Bitcoin or cash those aspects seem to
work but then other aspects where it's
just literally a simple click to get
some information doesn't seem to work so
you know I don't know I mean they I
don't know if they they've just seemed
to have put a lot of him a lot of work
into this I mean at the end
today they're trying to sell you an idea
and that is what they're trying to sell
you an idea so it doesn't surprise me to
find all this because you've got you
know if you're telling a lie you've got
to create that world or vision and make
it as believable as possible I mean I
say it a lie again I could be wrong I
could be way off base on this you know
this is just my me looking at this and
how I'm seeing it I mean you go into
these they do have articles and all that
kind of stuff and you know I mean if you
go this is if you click on more posts I
don't know if it's my computer but you
know some of this when I was looking
earlier actually he seems okay now when
I was looking earlier it just didn't a
lot of this just didn't seem he didn't
see in a lineup right he just seemed
very badly done but actually now I'm on
it it all seems to be working okay now
so you know that's the blob that's the
news classic apparently but and they've
got a Facebook page you know again I
mean this is another thing is that
they're there when it's you know
obviously a lot of places do do this
they warn you of scammers pretending to
be them all and and blah blah blah kind
of thing but then I'm all I am always a
bit cynical when I see places doing that
cause I think are they pre-empting
something so there they're saying people
are scamming them or people are
pretending to be them so and they're the
scammers but in fact what you're looking
at is the scam so it's sort of like you
know it's almost like owning up to
something but sort of twisting the truth
as to what really happened and then
people go and worry he owned up to it or
they owned up to it obviously they're
not lying why would they why would they
come to us you know why would they not
be just hiding or whatever because
that's it isn't it you know it's like if
you if I'm sure happened to you as a
child you broke something in the
or whatever and rather than sort of
running off and hiding you went and told
your parents at all you know I've just
broke this but this is the reason why it
happened not the fact that you were
running around the house or doing some
work that you shouldn't have been doing
but something completely else which you
know you can get away with and your
parents guard and worry about it and
that's you know that's why I'm saying by
pre-empting it you see you're you're
you're telling you're twisting the truth
and to get away with to get away with it
also as well I mean it's like I've been
thinking as well the posts we saw were
like 2018 right who's to say that back
in 2018 the original idea of Bitcoin
black was was not legitimate that could
well have been legitimate the hot yo but
say the original ICO never got any
it never it never went anywhere so it
basically was just you know just stopped
it just finished that was it but now
we've got these other people that have
picked up that idea and thought yeah
well what we can do we can run with it
because basically you know we'll just
say yeah well you know we've got more
funding or whatever and we you know
we're still pursuing this idea they are
this idea and we you know we really want
this to happen so basically now we've
got we're doing another I see oh no man
that's gonna be followed with an IE oh
and all this are but in a but the whole
thing is just a ruse by some completely
different other people that have just
basically picked up the idea and thought
well what we can do is we'll have this
Bitcoin black as sort of like the
forefront at the forefront and then
behind the scenes we're actually
creating just like a really you know
cheap referral program and then
basically what we'll do is we'll get all
these people to buy these imaginary
Bitcoin the Bitcoin black and because
the thing is is like I keep saying to
you with the with these programs that we
you know just because there's numbers on
the screen you know in there and you're
going oh you know I mean there's plenty
people out there that might have done
this and thought yeah I've got my you
know three thousand six hundred airdrop
but they've already but they're you know
what can you do with it you know and
it's just numbers on a screen but the
thing is though to get to get that
airdrop you've then got people to in as
referrals and they've paid Bitcoin or
actual money to then get involved and
then and that's the thing in it it's you
you you as a referrer could well be
putting people in the position where
they're losing money because you're
selling them this idea based on what
you've been sold and you think it's the
best thing since sliced bread and all
this thing but in fact the whole thing
is just a ruse the whole thing is just
something that like I say could well
have just been put on top or I was
carried on from where the original
Bitcoin black failed and these guys have
just picked that up but obviously again
it's just my my idea you know my my
theory a store I mean they do say here
again we know scammers are targeting our
community since they see the great value
in our cryptocurrency so be careful we
have not yet launched our mobile wallet
so don't download anything from play
store so weirdly enough I looked on Play
Store before I even saw this post and
the was or there is a Bitcoin wallet and
I apparently when you look at who it's
connected with it apparently is
connected with bit there the website so
I don't know that I don't know that's
whether that is just that is a scammer I
don't know but it's weird
the fact that it is apparently connected
with Bitcoin black when you look at who
who is polite who's listed it so again
I'm not sure and then if you scroll down
they give you they do get so they give
you they look at they they show this and
they say it's on its way a private
tracks on private transit transactions
coming to i/o pay ecommerce payment
gateways with WooCommerce and Shopify
and more to come so I thought this was
just like a picture so they're just
saying this is what it will look like
when we released it so I again I went
and had a quick look on Google and I
actually found the website so this is
IOP org but none of these buttons work
so you click on them and they don't go
anywhere they do nothing they do
absolutely nothing and all the all the
all the the pages that are linked to
everything just says coming soon but the
what I think's weird is then put in that
on there and sort of saying this is what
we will be launching in the future
that's completely fine but then having a
website that does not work for me that's
just weird I just think that's bizarre
I just think why would you do that and I
mean I don't know I think it has changed
but I mean it's IOP org as far as I know
I mean this is a long time ago
org used to be for nonprofit
organizations I don't know if that has
changed now but I remember when org
came we first came out it was meant for
nonprofit organizations but like I say
again if you know if you know better
than me stick it at the post below the
so because yeah um but yeah it's just
there's a lot of stuff like I say you
know like like I said with the website
any sort of area of the website where
they they're making they can make money
from like the store with the t-shirts
and all that all works from there's
another one there's a another thing on
the website where if you scroll down
there's a QR code which you can send
donations to them and they want the
donations in bitcoin
and like you know everything they you
know it's either Bitcoin or fiat money
like dollars is what they're asking for
but yet in their white paper all they do
is put Bitcoin down you know so it's you
know I don't know again I mean you
people could argue with the fact well
it's the it's the coin that's worth the
most so if you're gonna ask for any coin
that's the coin you're gonna ask for so
and on that point I totally agree so but
anyway so we've done the blog and that's
the so we're at we're nearly at the end
of this so don't worry
but this is so the in the post this post
this guy said their last twitter was
October the 18th 2018 so this is Bitcoin
black official if you type in Bitcoin
black into Twitter it is the only
Bitcoin black so but yet if you scroll
down and these these are all posts at
the same post that are on the Facebook
account but if you see thats it that's
it nothing so what happened to the
original feed when Bitcoin black failed
which I think it did I think Bitcoin
black wasn't a legitimate thing but it
failed I think that maybe they took the
Twitter feed down or something wasn't
right with it and the whole thing was
dodgy the original thing was dodgy
anyway and then Twitter deleted it who
knows but this is now Bitcoin black
official and it you know it goes from
the 9th of May to the 11th of June so
it's definitely a bit bizarre the last
the other thing I did find which was a
someone that had joined the referral
program and he said or they said that
basically they had got a really good
membership so they'd they'd promoted it
a lot they've got a lot of people sign
up they'd earned a lot of Bitcoin black
Queens or tokens and then they moved
apparently the website moved hosting and
his whole account was deleted not
deleted but basically everything in it
was gone so all these members so you
lost all his coins and then he he could
not get in touch with them via email
nothing like that so and that was it it
was all gone
so again you know you kind of think
we'll that is not how a legitimate
program would act you know what I'm
and the last the last this is the last
sort of piece of the not necessarily
piece of the puzzle but I'll probably
say the last nail in the coffin for me
is that this guy who is clearly
connected with Bitcoin black so he he's
bassist aying that he's actually selling
his coins to fund his personal projects
so his personal projects are so he says
my name is mark West I run a few of the
ecosystem projects in Bitcoin black so
basically what he's referring to if we
go in here is this the ecosystem here
and that consists of this so basically
it's just a page of links which go to
obviously the store goes to the blog the
directory the media which is just
basically promotional banners and videos
and stuff like that for those that are
trying to promote it the forum and then
the social media side of things the
website and then got life and but and so
so he runs these and then please
understand these are my personal project
from my personal investment but they're
in the put there in the website they're
on the website so like I say if you go
here go to here go ecosystem there
they're all they are the websites he's
referring to there's the media social
blog life forum directory the store and
yeah and that said that so so basically
that whole part of the website is his
baby as it were and but I'm but I don't
understand it's like surely if these are
actually connected to the official
website why is he having to fund them
personally why is Bitcoin black as a
whole not footing the bill on that you
know and that's again you know I mean it
just seems we you know it's like why you
know I mean this is going to be the
greatest thing ever
why are you selling all your court why
are you selling your coins to fund these
small put these parts which are just
small parts of the main website I don't
get that you know they are just small
sites you know so but and then he you
know I'm working on new projects that
require a lot more capital and I've
decided to part with some of my coins to
get projects off the ground
okay so I have packets so that's plural
so that is I have more than one packet
of 25,000 coins
sell him that $75 each which admittedly
say back in the day someone said and we
knew what they were worth twenty-five
thousand Bitcoin for $75 of course we
jump at the chance you know knowing what
we know now and you know they're
obviously talking that their coin is
going to be even bigger than Bitcoin so
you know here you know here's your
opportunity to buy some of my coins but
where is he sending them to for starters
because I mean I mean you can actually
download a Bitcoin wallet from their
website so you can actually put it on
your desktop and of and apparently their
mobile wallet is coming at some point in
the future so maybe where it's gonna go
is not a problem
I did actually download the dot exe file
for one of their desktop wallet I did
double click on it after scanning for
viruses and it does seem to start to
load I didn't actually load it so I
wasn't quite sure but I do start seeing
to load so on that point you just think
well you know they've they have created
these wallets but I don't know how
difficult it is to create a software
wallet i I have no idea how difficult it
is to create that but yet so it says I
am a investing member and a leader in
Bitcoin black so it's you know he's this
guy is connected so he's got thousands
upon thousands of coins I don't know
what his new projects are but like I say
I mean if you actually did this just to
see but this is my car if we check out
you go to check out what he's looking
for you to pay in is Bitcoin okay that's
just not very well so that's what it
should look like so there you go so you
can pay in Bitcoin and like I say you'd
see the when they've done anything like
Bitcoin cash Bitcoin or fiat ie
cash is what they're asking for and I
just think yeah I just for me like I say
I just think the whole thing is a bit
sauce it's almost there there there how
can I put it there telling you
everything you want to hear in the way
of what their coin does then they're
giving you this math
if airdrop with to entice you to lure
more people in but yet trying to find
any official documentation or any
official reviews or anything official
that is not connected with the website
or Twitter or their Facebook account you
Easter's there's just nothing out there
there is absolutely nothing out there
and for me for something that was going
to be this big it would from it would be
making a massive buzz and the only buzz
it's making is in the affiliate market
that is the only place is making waves
as it were is in the affiliate sales
market nowhere else sitting no one seems
to mention it you know and for me if it
was if it was as big as it should be it
would be everywhere you know if this was
truly a to compete against Bitcoin and
could be predecessor you know or the
next coin the next big coin it would be
massive I remember when a theorem first
came on line it was everywhere it would
this is the coin that's gonna that's
gonna beat Bitcoin this is the coin
that's going to replace big this is the
coin it's going to replace Bitcoin you
know blah blah blah blah admittedly it
never did but the hype on it the was
everywhere you looked on all the big you
know official crypto pace like a post
like coin desk all places like that it
was everywhere this has nothing so for
me it's definitely a no-go and I'm sure
probably a lot of you knew that but I
think I've just for those people that
are getting into crypto saw this is
possibly an opportunity to get into
something on the ground floor like you
know for so many of us that actually
missed that opportunity with Bitcoin ID
for me
yeah I would just steer clear just steer
clear of it I I just don't think I mean
I could be wrong like you you could all
be laughing at me and pointing fingers
at me in a few years time when Bitcoin
black is the coin to have but at the end
but all I'm my priority at the moment is
to dry and stop people investing in
something that I feel is a scam so I'm
gonna leave it there I just want to say
a massive thanks for watching I know
it's dragged on a bit I hope you found
it interesting it and there was some
good information in there for you so if
you can smash that like button I would
really appreciate it it really supports
my channel which then helps me bring
more content to you so take care have a
great weekend and I will speak to you
soon thanks a lot bye